
Hello Gee This is my second trip with bear on the sea / river. Great company, thanks to Gee and Alexia for the wonderful performance. I had such a great time, a lot of laughter and great moments getting to know a lot of you guys.   I must confess, at first I was hesitant about going in a bus / van, I had a flat tire that day, quite the "message from above".   Taking the van instead of driving was the highlight of the trip, I got to meet the group traveling in the van at different level, in a short time. Simply all traveling in a van allowed me to be closer.  This made me feel very comfortable and by the time we arrived to New Hope, I knew it i will be having a great time and this was only the beginning  Thank you Todd for your amazing driving skills, patience and driving us back and forth, It is very nice of you. Gee, thank you for organizing and making it happen and I hope you keep doing what you are doing for the upcoming years  Jay